What is xpdojo.org?

A safe place to practice some of the engineering disciplines from eXtreme Programming. We’ve collected a series of workshop sessions that you can run yourself or invite us in to host. We also have a bunch of talks and smaller exercises that you can watch and experiment with on your own.

Head over to the Study Materials to find out more.

Who’s behind xpdojo.org?

A network of long time XP practitioners who want to promote and help share the basics. If you’re in London and want to find out more about live sessions, get in touch via Gitter.


We believe in:

  • sharing our expertise with all levels of developers to lift everyone’s skills
  • creating content that demonstrates one topic and one topic well
  • creating content that is accessible and doesn’t require previous experience with tooling
  • creating free content (be cool and don’t try and monetise it)


eXtreme Programming came about in the late '90s and focused on developer practices. It was a hugely successful approach to software development and has become a key driver for modern agile methodologies.


A safe place to practice XP core disciplines. We've created a series of workshops and study materials which are free for everyone.

Dojo Sessions

All the sessions are hosted on Github and are self contained. You can run through them on your own or in groups or we can host sessions on your behalf.